Generating Recursive Data
Randomly generating recursive data structures is trickier than it sounds. For example, the below is a naïve attempt at generating a JSON AST by using recursion.
use std::collections::HashMap; use proptest::prelude::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum Json { Null, Bool(bool), Number(f64), String(String), Array(Vec<Json>), Map(HashMap<String, Json>), } fn arb_json() -> impl Strategy<Value = Json> { prop_oneof![ Just(Json::Null), any::<bool>().prop_map(Json::Bool), any::<f64>().prop_map(Json::Number), ".*".prop_map(Json::String), prop::collection::vec(arb_json(), 0..10).prop_map(Json::Array), prop::collection::hash_map( ".*", arb_json(), 0..10).prop_map(Json::Map), ].boxed() } fn main() { }
Upon closer consideration, this obviously can’t work because arb_json()
recurses unconditionally.
A more sophisticated attempt is to define one strategy for each level of nesting up to some maximum. This doesn’t overflow the stack, but as defined here, even four levels of nesting will produce trees with thousands of nodes; by eight levels, we get to tens of millions.
Proptest provides a more reliable solution in the form of the
combinator. To use this, we create a strategy for the
non-recursive case, then give the combinator that strategy, some size
parameters, and a function to transform a nested strategy into a recursive
use std::collections::HashMap; use proptest::prelude::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum Json { Null, Bool(bool), Number(f64), String(String), Array(Vec<Json>), Map(HashMap<String, Json>), } fn arb_json() -> impl Strategy<Value = Json> { let leaf = prop_oneof![ Just(Json::Null), any::<bool>().prop_map(Json::Bool), any::<f64>().prop_map(Json::Number), ".*".prop_map(Json::String), ]; leaf.prop_recursive( 8, // 8 levels deep 256, // Shoot for maximum size of 256 nodes 10, // We put up to 10 items per collection |inner| prop_oneof![ // Take the inner strategy and make the two recursive cases. prop::collection::vec(inner.clone(), 0..10) .prop_map(Json::Array), prop::collection::hash_map(".*", inner, 0..10) .prop_map(Json::Map), ]) } fn main() { }