Getting started


To the [dev-dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml, add

proptest-derive = "0.2.0"

In a Rust 2015 crate, you must add

#[cfg(test)] extern crate proptest;

to the top of the crate.

About Versioning

proptest-derive is currently experimental and has its own version. Once it is more stable, it will be versioned in lock-step with the main proptest crate.

Using derive

Inside any of your test modules, you can simply add #[derive(Arbitrary)] to a struct or enum declaration.

fn main() {
mod test {
    use proptest::prelude::*;
    use proptest_derive::Arbitrary;

    #[derive(Arbitrary, Debug)]
    struct MyStruct {
        // ...

    proptest! {
        fn test_one(my_struct: MyStruct) {
            // ...

        // Equivalent to the above
        fn test_two(my_struct in any::<MyStruct>()) {
            // ...

In order to use proptest-derive on a type not in a test module without also depending on proptest for your main build, you must currently manually gate off the related annotations. This is something we plan to improve in the future.

fn main() {
#[cfg(test)] use proptest_derive::Arbitrary;

// derive(Arbitrary) is only available in tests
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Arbitrary))]
struct MyStruct {
    // Attributes consumed proptest-derive must not be added when the
    // declaration is not being processed by derive(Arbitrary).
    #[cfg_attr(test, proptest(value = 42))]
    answer: u32,
    // ...