Module proptest::collection [−][src]
Strategies for generating std::collections
of values.
BTreeMapStrategy | Strategy to create |
BTreeMapValueTree |
BTreeSetStrategy | Strategy to create |
BTreeSetValueTree |
BinaryHeapStrategy | Strategy to create |
BinaryHeapValueTree |
LinkedListStrategy | Strategy to create |
LinkedListValueTree |
SizeRange | The minimum and maximum range/bounds on the size of a collection.
The interval must form a subset of |
VecDequeStrategy | Strategy to create |
VecDequeValueTree |
VecStrategy | Strategy to create |
VecValueTree |
binary_heap | Create a strategy to generate |
btree_map | Create a strategy to generate |
btree_set | Create a strategy to generate |
linked_list | Create a strategy to generate |
size_range | Creates a |
vec | Create a strategy to generate |
vec_deque | Create a strategy to generate |